Monday, January 17, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Lately, every time I head to the gym I am faced with crowded parking lots, not one available treadmill, and crowds in front of the mirrors staring at newly forming muscles. Now, on the one hand, I am proud of all the newbies coming into the gym ready to tackle a new year with force. On the other hand, I miss the treadmill with enough empty ones on either side of me so as not to feel crowded. I don't want to have to fight for a locker. Or worse, I don't want to have to stand around, all sweaty, waiting for a shower. The good and bad news is, it won't be this way for long.
Only 12% of people keep their new year's resolutions! Isn't that crazy? Here is the problem. Most people, especially women, make big, vague goals. Take my "resolution" that I jokingly made: "I want to be better at everything, and just be awesome." Ok, this evoked some chuckles from my sisters-in law, but in reality this is an excellent example of a terrible resolution. Most women will say, I want to lose weight. Ok, that is great in theory, but you have to identify how much weight, by what date, and using what methods? For example: I want to lose ten pounds by February 20. I want to lose 1-2 pounds per week. I plan on doing this by cutting back on my caloric intake and adding a regimen of cardiovascular exercise and weight training. I plan to exercise 4-5 days a week. This method of goal setting is more effective because it allows one to examine their behavior daily to see if it is meeting the goal. It is also important to work a reward into the goal if it is met. So treat yourself to a new outfit, or a pedicure if you meet your goal!
So, how about this year, we try to prove the statistic wrong and meet our goals? And I will try to revamp my own resolution into something a little more manageable. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Facts about being hungry.. and weight loss for women

Today I thought I would reference some information that I have been reading in a book called Women's Edge: Fight Fat Secrets to Successful Weight Loss.
I enjoy this book because it offers so much realistic information for women who want to better understand how their bodies work, and why they can't seem to look the way that they want to look.
The section that I am referencing discusses ways to monitor how much you are eating and how to be on "Hunger Patrol."
1. Smell your food: "Studies have shown that once you start eating, smelling food can make you stop eating sooner by satisfying you faster.(38-39)" Smelling your food causes you to slow down and savor every aspect of what you are eating, which in turn, creates a more satisfying experience all around. And who is going to say no to having a satisfying experience?
2. Keep a food diary: "Write down any unplanned eating and the circumstances under which it occurred." This is a method I swear by. I do not only write down unplanned meals, I write down every morsel that goes into my mouth. This way, I can review what things may become problem areas in my diet, or what things I have been eating too much of, or not enough of.
3. Eat Breakfast: "Researchers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville put 52 overweight women on a 12-week diet during which some ate three meals a day, including breakfast, while others passed up their morning meal. The women who ate breakfast tended to snack less of high-fat, high-calorie goodies." I have one more bit to add to this: eating first thing in the morning gets your metabolism going for the day... and stops you from overeating in the evening.
4. Spice it right: "Food will satisfy you more quickly if it tastes good and has a good mouth-feel." Using lots of herbal seasonings and spices in lieu of salt is a great idea, and more satisfying.
5. Eat Filling Foods: Fruits, veggies, potatoes, whole-wheat pastas and breads, fish, lean beef, etc.

These are some helpful hints to being in tune with what you are eating! More to come!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting up when it seems impossible...

Today was one of those days when my eyes felt crusted shut. I heard Roofus and Olive whining outside of the gate, begging for their morning attention, and I wondered if perhaps, I should just dive back into bed.
But, alas, I arose and brushed, washed, ate etc. I knew I needed to jump in the car and hit the gym, although the couch was calling to me.
Once I made it to the car, I knew that I had made the right decision. With my tunes playing, and the sun beaming into my car, I felt the awakening sensation that comes with knowing you are going to have a great day.
The gym was wonderful, a great combination of resistance and cardiovascular training that wore me right out.I love feeling myself being pushed to the limit and knowing that I can make it. I get this rush when I am running on the treadmill, faster and faster, sweat dripping down my bright red face,and suddenly I am smiling, even though I can barely breathe.(The poor people around me probably think that I am about to keel over.)If I can conquer the gym, I can conquer anything that this day throws at me, with the Lord on my side of course. Otherwise, I couldn't so anything.
Now I need to pull some energy together so I have something to give to my client later today! :)
I am so glad that I didn't go back to bed.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Inspiration Of Sunshine And... Yummy Dinners

I am so grateful for the beautiful weather that we have been having. It is so inspiring to wake up and feel the sun shining into my home as I go through my morning rituals of eating, reading my Bible, and praying. I am so grateful for the opportunity to enjoy every waking moment of the life that I am so blessed to have.
I am grateful for a strong and able body. Last week I did my first longer run of the season- 6 miles, and as I was running, I couldn't help but be amazed at the strong and able body that God has given to us. So often, we do our day-to-day tasks forgetting all of the tiny miracles that are taking place around us. It is a miracle that we can walk, run, and lift things. It is a miracle that we have people in our lives that love us and that we can love.

On a different note, last week was my first week of being home with my husband and enjoying dinners together. This "normal" routine was so foreign to us, yet perfectly sweet and enjoyable. I was happy to have time to go through my cookbooks, and plan a menu for the week. Some of the healthful meals that we enjoyed were: 1. Beef Stroganoff with Whole Wheat Noodles, 2. Salmon with a pesto glaze, mashed sweet pots,and broccoli, 3. Breaded Baked Sole with Brown Rice Risotto and Carrots, 4. Balsamic Chicken with broccoli.
They were all delicious and easy to make! Contact me if you are interested in any of the recipes.
Have a wonderful, miraculous, sunshiney day!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fitting in the Workout!

Working out doesn't always have to be setting aside an hour to go to the gym, get covered in sweat, take a shower, and start your day two hours later than normal.
It can be as simple as taking your kids to the park, going up and down the stairs a few more times, or cleaning your house with vigor! It may seem silly, but it shouldn't be "all or nothing"! We should try everyday to be a little more active and a little more conscious of what we are eating. I am going to try it too! Let's see what happens... :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

A New Life

Today was the beginning of a new way of life for me. I feel blessed to have been able to quit my job, and for the time being, focus on being a wife and a homemaker. When I was younger, I dreamed of myself in an office somewhere, in a business suit, writing for some famous magazine. Living in the city, I pictured myself alone, reading the newspaper and drinking coffee in the mornings.
Funny thing is, I hate reading the newspaper. I hate drinking coffee, and my internship at The New London Day was one of the most boring jobs I've ever had (and not been paid for) in my life.
Needless to say, I find myself continually surprised at the things that do bring me joy: going to the grocery store, planning meals to enjoy with my husband, hanging out with the Dog and the cat, and finding a few moments to share some of these restless thoughts on my blog.
Thank you Lord for changing us into the people that you want us to be, and not the people that we once naively thought we would like to become. What's next for me? I'm really not sure, but the wide open door feels like a breath of fresh air that I can't get enough of.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rainy Day Blues

Today, even though it is a rainy day, I am ready to bite the bullet and head out into the dismal day. My body is screaming, "No! Don't Do it!" But I know that the best thing is to buck up and get out there. At least I have the comfort of being able to get in my car and drive to the gym. Imagine back in the day when people had to walk everywhere? A day like this would be a day that no one would want to go anywhere.
This morning, God taught me a valuable lesson. I was running around the kitchen, all stressed out about the busy day ahead: DMV, the gym, training, then work... you get the picture. While I was stressing about all of these things I was literally sliding around on the kitchen floor because it is covered in grease due to some over-zealous burger-making that took place there a couple nights ago. As I felt myself slipping into a miserable oblivion, God quietly whispered in my ear: "At least you have a car to be registering at the DMV. At least you have a job. Can't you be grateful for all that I have given you? Can't you enjoy these moments instead of wishing them away?"
Thank you Lord for the gentle, but nonetheless striking reminder of all that I have to be grateful for.
The stress has faded into a cloud of gratefulness.